If you visited #YYCBlockParty last year, you would have likely snapped a selfie at the art-adorned picnic tables courtesy Sydonne Warren - aka Syd The Artiste. Since then, the AU Arts student has taken on locally renowned projects such as Kensington’s Black Lives Matter mural, the 480ft Magic Walk in Crescent Heights, and even turning Good Trade Coffee Company into her canvas for Kensington Bright. So to say we were absolutely thrilled to have her back on board for this years #YYCBlockParty is an understatement - this time around, designing and painting the benches seen across the boulevard at Block Party. After a busy year, we caught up with Sydonne to chat about her return to #YYCBlockParty, her hopes for the project, and what’s next for the Calgary artist.
Photo by Courtney Verbeek, Deerfoot City
What was your inspiration and process behind your project for Block Party?
When we were given the colours and theme for Block Party, the idea of colour blocking brought me to my fine arts side. I was inspired by Frank Stella’s paintings - hard edge paintings. I first started out designing a hard edge painting the way that I would abstract painting and I wanted to colour block different squares and shapes together and then I’d add the striping from Block Party. As the design developed, we went with more monochrome, but still including some contrast just to synthesize my designs with everyone else’s.
What would you say you're most excited for with this project?
I’m most excited to see what (the other artists) individual projects look like together. I think that’s the best part because when we’re working in our separate zones we can’t see the full vision…I think it’s going to look amazing. I’m also excited to see Michelle’s painting - I’ve never seen one of hers in person and her design looks really cool so I’m excited for that.
How do you get into a creative headspace for a project like this? Playlists, research, etc.?
Firstly, I go through the creative brief and then I draw inspiration from the classics and also my own style and work. Then I play around - I literally make a bunch of different shapes and start moving things around like a puzzle and changing the colours until things start to flow. Once I see a direction I want to go into, that’s kind of how I do things. I don’t think I even play music - just silence (laughs). But when I paint I do have music going the whole time.
Photo by Tyler Stalman + Ania Boniecka
What kind of music do you listen to while painting?
I usually listen to reggae. I’m Jamaican so that’s my roots and I’m always listening to it. I find it’s really upbeat and motivational music.
What do you hope people take away from your work when they see it at Block Party?
I want people to be shocked, but in a good way - pleasantly surprised. It’s cool that we’re able to create an immersive experience so I want people to be happy and want to come down to Deerfoot City and spend time with their family and create a good memory from all of this.
Before you go - anything exciting you're working on that you can share?
I’m working on phase two of a project called Magic Block. Last year we did a retaining wall so this year we’re going to do the barrier across from the retaining wall to bring everything together and complete the design. I’m working on that with Cory (Bugden) from (Block Party) and another artist from PARK, Tyler Lemermeyer. That should be fun - it had a lot of community engagement (after the first phase)!
Photo by Arden Shibley, Yellowhouse Aerial
#YYCBlockParty is open now at Destination Deerfoot City and will remain open all summer long. Share your photos with us using the hashtag #YYCBlockParty and tag @ourparkonline and @destinationdeerfootcity so we can join in on the fun!
Learn more about Sydonne and her work at sydtheartiste.ca